Saturday 23 November 2013

Blood is Ruby Red Chapter 3

I spent a good half hour figuring out what to wear. Eventually I decided on my white dress, covered with tiny blue flowers, which cinched in at my waist then exploded outwards until just above my knees. I pondered over what shoes to wear. I had several pairs that matched, but heels would probably be best. It wasn’t that I wanted to be taller; I just thought that my legs just looked a little stout in this dress and heels would elongate them. At last I picked out a gorgeous silver pair of mid heels.

I put on some beautiful jewellery and chose a silver clutch to match my outfit. I added sparkly eye shadow to my evening look of mascara, eyeliner, a little rosy blusher and a light layer of mid pink lip gloss. I wore my silky hair loose, so it fell gracefully over my bare shoulders towards my shoes.

The light caught on my pretty diamond earrings and necklace as I turned my head to have a quick glance in the mirror. I didn’t look too bad, I thought, unlike I usually do. As I turned I caught sight of my gold and black Gucci clock. I gazed at it in disbelief. Oh god, it was twenty past six already, I was going to be late.

I rushed down stairs then outside, making our chauffeur drive me in our car for once. Though it was still expensive, it was much less extravagant than a limo. After a short while he pulled up opposite the decent restaurant. I told him quickly that I’d call him when I wanted him to come and pick me up before clambering out and entering the restaurant.

As soon as I saw Hans and Ruby, I knew I was completely overdressed. It was just... great. Really great. Ruby was wearing a black bodycon skirt which reached half-way down her thighs and a floaty strapped top, coloured the pink of sakura cherry blossom. Hans stood up as I walked towards the table and I took in his faintly faded jeans and plain blue polo shirt. It wasn’t like the two of them hadn’t made an effort; it was more that I had just gone overboard.

I glanced down self-consciously at myself, pulling my hair over my lavish earrings to try and hide them. Why had I worn a dress? And I had totally overdone it with the heels. I felt a little guilty, like I was rubbing my wealth in their face. But they didn’t seem to care that I was dressed differently.

Hans grinned. “You look great.”

I bowed my head a little, trying to hide my reddening cheeks.

“I didn’t know what we were wearing,” I explained myself embarrassedly.

“What you’ve got on’s fine,” Ruby smiled.

Damn fine,” Hans chuckled.

Ruby rolled her eyes. “You didn’t see Jude outside, did you?” she asked curiously.

“No, sorry,” I replied.

Ruby irritatedly snatched the menu and started reading through it, her eyes flashing rapidly and angrily past each dish on it.

“Why is he so flippin’ late?” she muttered angrily to herself.

I shuffled up to Hans. I felt his hands reach round my waist as he pulled me in for a hug, lightly kissing my cheek. He then pulled out a chair for me before sitting down himself. We both started reading through the menus.

A slim, plain-faced waitress dressed in a crisp white blouse, black skirt and a black apron stepped politely up to our table.

“Are you ready to order?”

I felt that Ruby was about to snap at her, so I quickly replied, “Not quite yet thanks.”

When the waitress had gone, Ruby slammed the menu down on the table, stealing my attention from Hans’ eyes. She grabbed her bag and rummaged furiously through it. After a short while she pulled out her phone and began to stormily try and get hold of Jude.

“Someone needs to chill,” Hans whispered in my ear.

I bobbed my head in subtle agreement.

“Where is Jude?” Ruby exclaimed irritatedly, dropping her phone turbulently beside the menu. “His phone’s not even on! It ain’t like he could’ve forgotten.”

“Maybe something important came up,” I suggested calmly.

“Well then he’d ring!” Ruby exclaimed so loudly that I jumped back in my seat.

An uncomfortable silence fell across our table. I cautiously exchanged an anxious glance with Hans.

“He might just be running late,” Hans offered another idea.

Ruby glared stonily at Hans. “He’s almost half an hour late. That’s not ok.”

Hans held his hands up apologetically then turned to me.

“Kinda glad you’re my girlfriend, not her,” he whispered again.

“Kinda glad you’re my boyfriend and not Jude,” I replied. “He’s so dodge. You never know what’s going on with him, like now.”

“D’you think you guys could stop talking behind my back? Thanks.” Ruby’s harsh tone sliced through my conversation with Hans.

I took her hand gently. “Ruby, maybe we should order and when Jude turns up, he can just get his food then.”

Ruby glanced hopefully at the entrance for a few seconds, wishing Jude would arrive, then reluctantly turned back to me, sighing resignedly. “Sure, whatev.”

I turned towards the waitress and raised my hand.

Jude didn’t show up. Ruby ate her dinner without talking and spent the whole evening in an uncomfortable silence. Of course I felt sorry for her, but she really could have made an effort to be a bit more social. It was pretty much just a date between me and Hans with Ruby being a depressing third wheel. I did have a great time though. Unlike me, Hans simply ignored the fact that Ruby refused to smile and barely looked away from my face or his food.
Ruby gave up calling and texting Jude, realising that he wasn’t coming. I guarantee though that when she goes home she’ll be on her phone all night trying to get hold of him and he will be in so much trouble. Although Ruby’s so lovely it’s really best not to get on her bad side. Fortunately I’ve never crossed that line. But Jude is so in for it.

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